Vice Chancellor Prof. MMM Najim addressing the students after inaugurating the Camp said that donating blood is a noble deed and organizing this type of event is very much appreciable and praiseworthy. Hence, we all should willingly come forward to give blood and save human life.
Prof. Najim noted that at a time when the University students are engaged in picketing, hartal and other unwanted activities their commitments in this type of venture is very much appreciated. This should be continued. He also assured that he would extend his fullest support and encouragement to this type of activities. Dean of the Faculty of Management and Commerce Dr. S.Gunapalan and President of the Hindu Mamanram T. Dineshumar also spoke.
Dr. MS Nusrath Begam , Dr. MAPK .Seneviratna and their Staff from the Blood Bank of Ashraff Memorial Hospital played a major role in the Blood Bank Camp aimed at "Give Blood and save life"