
The SEUSL YouthMappers Chapter successfully hosted the YouthMappers Summit 2024 in Sri Lanka on July 31, 2024. With full support from the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Culture at the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, the event gathered talented international experts and young individuals from YouthMappers Chapters across the country, including the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sabaragamuwa, Eastern University, and the host institution.

Ms S. Sajeevini, Regional Ambassador for Asia Pacific, YouthMappers, chaired the summit. Keynote addresses by Kiran Ahire, Community Manager for Asia Pacific, and Solita Muthu Krishna, Development Program Assistant at USAID Sri Lanka & Maldives, offered valuable insights into YouthMappers’ global impact.

The summit was graced by Prof. A. Rameez, Vice Chancellor of SEUSL, as Chief Guest, and he delivered a remarkable address on this occasion. Prof. MM. Fazil, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Culture, attended as a Guest of Honor. Ms. Nuskiya Hassan, Student Advisor of the SEUSL YouthMappers Chapter, contributed as a guest speaker. Dr ILM. Zahir, Senior Lecturer and Overall Organizer of the summit, and Mr K. Nijamir, Head of the Department of Geography, also elegance the occasion. Professor MIM. Kaleel, other academics and administrators were among the esteemed scholars in attendance.