
A team of Officials from the Embassy of the United States of America headed by Dr. Laura A. Tedesco, Cultural Heritage Program Manager was in South Eastern University of Sri Lanka on Tuesday and held discussions to explore the feasibility of helping the Cultural Museum in conservating, preserving the art crafts and objects, manuscripts and rare materials. Our pictures above show the team in discussions with the Vice Chancellor Prof.MMM Najim & the Librarian MM Rifaudeen and inspecting the exhibits displayed at the Cultural Museum with the Legal Officer of the University ARM Zulfi and the Officials of the Library. The Embassy's Public Diplomacy Officer Porter Illi and the Program Assistant Samanthi De Costa were also present.

US Embassy Officials visit to SEUSL US Embassy Officials visit to SEUSL US Embassy Officials visit to SEUSL US Embassy Officials visit to SEUSL US Embassy Officials visit to SEUSL