The program commenced with the Tree planting at the Faculty of Applied Sciences in Sammanthurai and at the site of Cultural Centre of the University at Oluvil where the Vice Chancellor Prof. MMM Najim participated as chief guest and inaugurated the programme. Acting. Registrar MI. Nawfer, Senior Asst.Registrars, Asst. Registrars, Deans, and Heads of Departments, Academics and non academic Staff of the University.
This was followed by the memorial talk at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language presided over by Prof. Rameez Abdullah. The main features of the program was the token presentation of the Personal Collection of Dr. BA Hussainmiya to the SEUSL Library followed by his memorial oration of Late Minister Dr MHM Ashraff who is the founder of the University and who is also mainly instrumental in establishing this University. This was followed by the Chief Guests address by the Vice Chancellor Prof MMM Najim. Addressing the gathering Vice Chancellor Prof. Najim recalled that Late Minister Asraff in his far sighted vision took all genuine efforts to establish this University and always worked for its lively activities. His vision was to produce graduates not for name sake but for community's development and for the nation as a whole. We should always keep it in mind that this higher education Institute is not at all for mere providing employment and to provide quality education by which the future generation would benefit a lot.
Prof.Hussainmiya in his address said that he was very closely associating with Late Minister Ashraff and he was always thinking of his community and its welfare. His every action had a meaningful vision and this University too was one of his greatest achievements although it's a difficult task to establish same. So, it's the duty of all of us to work for its development and its betterment.
Conferring of Vice Chancellors Awards too were also in the Card and those who excelled in various performances and Conferring of Long services Awards were also given to the respective personalities. At the conclusion of the ceremony Prof. Hussainmiya was presented with Memento by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Najim as a mark of remembrance of the programme. Distinguished gathering were present at the ceremonial opening of Ex-Libris of Prof. BA. Hussainmiya at the Ashraff Memorial Library.
The Private Library consists of valuable and rare materials of 750 volumes. It includes books together with reports, Conference Proceedings, Souvenirs, Pamphlets and periodicals. SEUSL Library has organized to conduct an Exhibition of Books on Writings and works of Dr. Hussainmiya to mark this occasion. The collection is especially useful and assets to the students and researchers of History.
This Private Library is an award of Dr. Hussainmiya, materialized at the South Eastern University of Sri-Lanka on the effort of Prof. MMM. Najim, Vice-Chancellor of the South Eastern University of Sri-Lanka His private collection housed in the Library of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka named as "Ex-Libris Dr. BA. Hussainmiya". It is really a gift to this university, to house his private library in the SEUSL library. This collection of books of rare varieties adds to enrich the stock of the resources of printed materials of SEUSL library.
Researchers, scholars, teachers, students, staff, academics and general public will access this collection of Dr. Hussainmiya in the SEUSL Library. This will provide an opportunity for the researchers to engage in research works on History and Sri Lankan Muslims. So the decision to donate the collection of books by Dr. Hussainmiya is really a charitable deed. This donation will be the asset to the undergraduates, academics, students, researchers for which we remain with gratitude & happiness.
This Private Library of Dr. Hussainmiya will be a treasure house of knowledge and the beacon light to the entire country in disseminating the knowledge and information. Mr. MM. Rifaudeen, the University Librarian request the public to make use of this opportunity to enjoy the valuable learning and research materials in the Personal Library of Dr. Hussainmiya located in the South Eastern University Library.