
The students who have registered with University Grants Commission for the academic year 2017/2018 to follow the course of Engineering at South Eastern University of Sri Lanka are requested to be present on 17th December 2018 at 9.00 am at the Faculty of Engineering for Student Enrolment. Detail of the programme is as follows.

Programme Time Venue
Enrollment of Students 9.00 am to 11.00 am Faculty of Engineering
Hostel Registration 11.00 am to 12.30 pm Friendship villa 1 [ Gilrs] Friendship villa 2 [ Boys]
Inauguration Programme 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm Faculty of Engineering
Faculty Visit 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm Faculty of Engineering

Commencement of Orientation Programme : 18th December 2018 onwards.

Online Data Collection [Please complete this process during the period from 10th December 2018 to 14th December 2018 ]

The students need to fill the Online Data Collection sheet available in the university web site ( or web link ( Use the NIC number (Eg: 123456789V) as the user name and A/L index number (Eg: 1234567) as the password. The students are requested to adopt the following guidelines.

Once the students have filled the online data collection sheet with all required details click on 'Submit Data Sheet' button to download a soft copy of completed data collection sheet in PDF format to mail.

Please check whether a PDF copy of the data collection sheet has been sent to the student's e-mail account.

It is required to get a printout of your PDF document of data collection sheet and the hostel application (if you applied for hostel accommodation) and to bring the duly signed printed copy along with other documents mentioned in the section (iii) of this letter for enrollment.

Documents Required for Enrolment

The students are expected to bring the following documents for enrollment.

i. Duly completed "Application for Enrollment of New Entrants Academic Year 2016/2017& Declaration form"
ii. Printed signed copy of the Data Collection sheet (downloaded document after the online enrollment)
iii. Printed signed copy of the Identity Card form (downloaded document after the online enrollment)
iv. Printed signed copy of the Hostel Application form (only for the student who applied for hostel accommodation)
2) Original UGC Admission letter with photocopy
3) Original Birth Certificate with one certified photocopy
4) Original G.C.E (O/L) Certificate with one certified photocopy
5) Original G.C.E (A/L) Certificate with one certified photocopy
6) Original School Leaving Certificate with one certified photocopy
7) Original I.D Card with one certified photocopy
8) Eight (08) copies of passport size (5cm x 4cm) colour photographs

Payment of Admission Fees

Students are requested to credit a sum of Rs. 2,000/- (two thousand) as admission fee to the university. The fee should be paid at any branches of people's Bank in cash to the credit of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Account No: 228-1001-9000-1704, People's Bank, Addalaichenai and attach the bank slip (customer copy) with the enrolment form.

Hostel Facilities
Those who applied for hostel facilities are requested to meet Director, Student Accommodation, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil on 17th of December 2018 (Monday) between 11.00 am and 12.30 pm along with the items mentioned below. You have to pay Rs. 2,300.00 as hostel fee for first year to the university. The fee should be paid at any branches of people's Bank in cash to the credit of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Account No: 228-1001-9000-1704, People's Bank, Addalaichenai and attach the bank slip (customer copy) with the hostel application.

Letters informing the above enrolment has already been sent to all students who were selected to follow the above course of studies at SEUSL. The name list of students has been uploaded in the university website. If you have any further clarification, please contact the Senior Assistant Registrar, Academic and Student Affairs Division through 067- 2255463.

H. Abdul Saththar

Hostel Arrangement for the Students who need Hostel facilities

Reporting Place Contact Person Items to be brought to the Hostel
Office of the Director Student Accommodation South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil Mr. UL. Mansoor Director Student Accommodation - 0718035333 01. Plastic Broom
02. Plastic dust Tray
03. Bedsheets-02
04. Pillow and pillow covers
05. Plate for Meals, a cup and water jug
06. Plastic Buckets for cloth washing
07. Plastic cloth rack
08. Umbrella
09. Mosquito Net
10. Torch