Applications are invited from Government Departments, Government Owned Business Undertakings, Public Corporations, Reputed Suppliers, Local Agents, Manufacturers, Dealers, Business Organizations and Contractors who wish to register themselves with the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka for the supply of under mentioned goods and services for the year 2019.
If registration is sought for more than one category of goods and service Separate application should be made for each category and shall be sent under one cover. A non-refundable deposit of Rs. 1000/= should be paid for the registration of each category. The application should be accompanied by a bank draft with validity of 90 days or to pay the amount at the shroff counter, at South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil, drawn in favour of The Bursar, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. The supplier can download the documents from the university web site, www.seu.ac.lk
Cheque and money orders will not be accepted. Application on the contrary will not be considered. Applicants should seek registration only for the business appearing in their business registration certificate.
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any application. Any supplier who fails to honour the bid invitations in consecutive three (3) times shall be removed from the list of registration of suppliers 2019 without any notice. Quotation for goods and services will normally be called for from the list of registered suppliers but the University reserves the right to call for quotations from any other competitive offers.
The suppliers registered for the year 2019 should agree to offer credit facilities for a period of at least 45 days. If this condition is violated, even after registration, such supplier will be blacklisted.
If the supplier is liable for VAT, the certified copy of VAT certificate should be attached with application, if the supplier is not liable for VAT, a recent VAT exemption certificate obtained from Inland Revenue Department has to be attached with the application. Those who do not submit the above certificate and incomplete application will be rejected. All applications marked "Registration of Suppliers - 2019" on the left hand corner of the envelope should be addressed to the Deputy Bursar, Stores and Supplies, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil # 32360 and sent under registered cover to reach us on or before 26.12.2018.
Applicants should forward a copy of Business Registration Certificate along with the application. Those who do not submit the above specified certificates and incomplete application will be rejected.
For further information please refer the university website (www.seu.ac.lk)
South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
University Park
Oluvil # 32360