Manuscripts of academically robust research papers, critical reviews and short communications in the fields mentioned above as the broader sense of technology are accepted for publication on the premise that they have never been published or under consideration for publication anywhere else.
By submitting such articles for publication in the Journal, the author automatically declares that the work done is his or her own and original work.
By virtue of the submission of such papers, critical reviews and short communications for publication the authors transfer the copyrights to the Editorial Board of SLJoT.
Articles submitted must be in adherence to section 06 (Guidelines to Authors) and the Editorial Board will not be held responsible for any such discrepancies. However, the board reserves the rights to edit the style and format the submitted articles in order to be confined with the prescribed guidelines.
The authors are entire responsible for the contents of such articles; the Editorial Board will not hold responsibilities for any shortcomings in the content of the article in the form of inaccurate data or statements, copyright infringements found the journal as well as the views expressed in the articles.