THEME: “Empowering Innovations for Sustainable Development through Scientific Research”

The Annual Science Research Session 2024 (ASRS 2024) is the 13th multidisciplinary Conference in a successful series of research sessions in the field of Sciences organized by The Faculty of Applied Sciences SEUSL.

We invite authors to submit their Extended Abstracts (to ensure the work's originality, and referred to as abstract hereafter) for the year 2024 research session under the disciplines, Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Computer Science and IT, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Agricultural Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Science Education.

ASRS 2024 will present a wide range of sessions on cutting-edge science researches, a keynote speech from a world-renowned scientist, best presenter awards, and a forum for publishing your palpable findings.

All the accepted abstracts will be published in Proceedings – ASRS 2024 with an ISBN. All registered presenters will receive a free hard copy of the abstract proceeding at the conference.

All accepted abstracts must be presented orally in front of an intellectual panel at the conference and the best presenter in each track will be awarded.

Selected research work will be invited to publish in the Journal of Science, FAS, SEUSL.

Important Dates

  • 23rd Jul 2024 Call for Papers
  • 23rd Aug 2024 Abstract submission deadline
  • 18th Sep 2024 Notification of the acceptance
  • 10th Oct 2024 Registration & camera-ready copy submission deadline
  • 6th Nov 2024 Date of Conference

General Guidelines

  • Authors are invited to submit both an abstract and an extended abstract based on their research findings for oral presentations at the conference.
  • During the initial submission, authors should upload both the abstract and the extended abstract to the CMT system.
  • Abstracts and extended abstracts that include author details will not undergo review. After submission, author names, affiliations, and acknowledgments will be removed for the purpose of review before being sent to the reviewers.
  • Previously presented or published research will not be considered.
  • Any identified instances of plagiarism will lead to an immediate rejection of the abstract without further evaluation.
  • Prior to submission, authors are strongly advised to utilize an authentic or freely available online plagiarism checker to review their abstracts and extended abstracts.
  • Authors must categorize their abstracts under one of the five specified Themes. However, the Editorial Board retains the right to reassign a selected abstract to a more suitable theme if deemed necessary.
  • To streamline the reviewing and editing process, authors must submit a signed Author Declaration Form, endorsed by all authors, along with the initial submission. The final assessment and editing phases will commence only upon receipt of all relevant documents and information.

Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstracts for the 13th Annual Science Research Session (ASRS 2024) will be published in the conference proceedings. Please adhere to the following formatting guidelines:

  • Paper Specifications:
  • Paper size: A4
  • Margins: Left margin 3.0 cm, all other margins (top, bottom, and right) 2.5 cm
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12 (except for authors' affiliations)
  • Line spacing: Single
  • Page limit: One page

  • Language and Software:
  • All abstracts must be in English and prepared using MS Word 2007 or later.

  • Abstract Content: Please use the provided Abstract template and structure your abstract as follows:
  • Title:
  • Brief and descriptive, reflecting the study
  • Bold, uppercase letters, center-aligned
  • Use uppercase italics for scientific names of organisms, with common names in parentheses
  • Two-line spaces between the Abstract number and title
  • Single line space between title and author names
  • Author(s):
  • Initials before surname (last name)
  • Bold, lowercase letters, center-aligned
  • Initials followed by a full-stop, no space
  • Corresponding author (Primary contact) marked with an asterisk (*)
  • Single space between last initial and surname
  • No line space between author names and affiliations
  • Affiliation(s) of Author(s):
  • Italics, font size 11, lowercase letters (with necessary uppercase)
  • Different affiliations numbered with superscript
  • Each affiliation on a separate line
  • Superscript number at beginning of affiliation and end of author's name
  • Single line space between affiliations and abstract text
  • Abstract text:
  • Single paragraph with an introduction, objectives, methodology, results, brief discussion, and conclusion(s)
  • Justified alignment
  • No sub-headings, figures, or tables
  • No references
  • Keywords:
  • Up to 5 keywords, separated by commas and a space
  • Each keyword starts with an uppercase letter
  • Single line space after the abstract text
  • Acknowledgement:
  • Acknowledge funding organizations with grant numbers in parentheses
  • Italics, a single sentence
  • Single line space after the Keywords

  • Additional Notes:
  • Full form of abbreviations and acronyms on first use (except standard abbreviations)
  • Do not use abbreviations and acronyms in the title, unless necessary
  • Non-English and technical terms should be in italics.

Extended Abstract Guidelines

  • Please be aware that the extended abstract will not be included in the Proceedings. Its sole purpose is for the review process.
  • When preparing the extended abstract, adhere to the subsequent formatting instructions:
  • Page size: A4
    Margins: Maintain 2.5 cm margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, right)
    Font: Times New Roman
    Font size: 12
    Line spacing: Single
    Page count: 3-4 pages
    Page numbering: Place at the bottom right corner
    Title: Include the title, author(s) names, and their respective affiliations exactly as presented in the abstract.

  • Arrange the content under the subsequent subheadings:
  • 1. Title: Followed by the authors' names and affiliations
    2. Introduction: Clearly state the objectives
    3. Materials and Methods
    4. Results
    5. Discussion
    6. Conclusion(s): Present the outcomes

  • If applicable, ensure that any Figures and Tables are clear and fit within the designated page limit.

Important Dates

  • 23rd Jul 2024 Call for Papers
  • 23rd Aug 2024 Abstract submission deadline
  • 18th Sep 2024 Notification of the acceptance
  • 10th Oct 2024 Registration & camera-ready copy submission deadline
  • 6th Nov 2024 Date of Conference


  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Computer Science and IT
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Science Education
  • Presentation Mode

    • Live zoom presentation
    • On-site Presentation


    • All oral presentations must be in MS PowerPoint 2013 or earlier format and be sent to before November 1st, 2024.
    • In case of participating physically, we recommend you bring a backup copy (CD-ROM, DVD, or USB storage device) of your presentation to the meeting.
    • Please limit your Oral Presentation to 10 minutes.

    The best presenter for each track will be selected by a review panel and be awarded a certificate.

    Presentation suggestions:

    • Limit your speech to the allotted time.
    • Please discuss the material as reported in the abstract.
    • Speak slowly and clearly.
    • Use short sentences.
    • Use one graphic for each 1 or 2 minutes of presentation time.
    • Avoid using small fonts:  Break up a complex slide into a series of slides.
    • Devote each graphic to a single fact, idea, or finding. Illustrate major points or trends, not detailed data.
    • Avoid long or complicated formulas or equations. Each graphic should remain on the screen for at least 20 seconds.
    • Use the minimum number of words possible in titles, subtitles, and captions.
    • Standard abbreviations are acceptable.

    Important Dates

    • 23rd Jul 2024 Call for Papers
    • 23rd Aug 2024 Abstract submission deadline
    • 18th Sep 2024 Notification of the acceptance
    • 10th Oct 2024 Registration & camera-ready copy submission deadline
    • 6th Nov 2024 Date of Conference

    Abstract Review Process

    • All submitted abstracts will undergo a double-blind peer review conducted by a panel of internal and external expertise in sciences.
    • Results of the abstract review will be sent to the author (Conditions apply if there is an emergency).
    • Failure to remove template text from your paper may result in your paper not being published.
    • Notices of acceptance or rejection of the paper will be sent to the author with reviewer comments.
    • If revisions are required according to the reviewer comments, the revised abstract must be sent back within the given deadline.
    • If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to register for the Conference.

    Abstract Assessment Criteria

    Each abstract will be independently assessed by at least two reviewers based on:

    • Originality
    • Rationale of the research concept and objective (Aims/objectives clearly stated)
    • Quality of the research design/Methods and Techniques and data analysis
    • Interpretation of results
    • Clarity of writing/ language
    • Relevance to the conference
    • Structure of the paper
    • Overall presentation

    Contact Secretary/ASRS 2024 (0702594596; to become a reviewer.

    Important Dates

    • 23rd Jul 2024 Call for Papers
    • 23rd Aug 2024 Abstract submission deadline
    • 18th Sep 2024 Notification of the acceptance
    • 10th Oct 2024 Registration & camera-ready copy submission deadline
    • 6th Nov 2024 Date of Conference