Mr. MM. Rifaudeen
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Librarian |
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Library |
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+94 67 2255160 |
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rifaudeen23 |
CV |
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- Master of Library & Information Science (MLS), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
- B.Sc. (Agric) (Hons), Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Short Courses Completed In Librarianship
- Course on "Computing Methods applied to DH: XML Markup and Document Structuring" conducted by 3rd European Summer School in Digital Humanities "Culture & Technology" held at the University of Leipzig, Germany (23 - 31 July, 2012)
- Course on "E Library Management", conducted by the National Institute of Science Communication & Information resources, New Delhi, India. (1st Dec, 08 to 19th Dec, 08)
- Course on "Information Technology for Information Management", conducted by the National Institute of Science Communication & Information resources, New Delhi, India. (12th Sept, 07 to 17th Oct, 07)
- Successfully completed an eight month Course on Library Automation, (COLA) conducted by the Sri Lanka Library Association. (Feb 1998 - Sept 1998)
- Information Literacy
- Electronic Resource
- Financial Management in Libraries
- Library Management System
- Library Building Architecture
- Collection Development
- Information Management
- Library Resource Sharing
- Digital Libraries
- Evaluation of Library Services and Academic Performance
- Library Management
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Exploring Sri Lankan Muslims: selected writings of MMM. Mahroof Served as an Editorial Assistant and published a valuable SEUSL publication entitled “Exploring Sri Lankan Muslims: selected writings of MMM. Mahroof”. This is one of the rare and comprehensive works so far recorded in a single volume on the lives of Sri Lankan Muslims. This book consists of fifty three research articles written by M.M.M. Mahroof between 1966-2000 which were published in journals of international reputation
- Serving as a Managing Editor of "Journal of Management" for the year 2018
- Serving as a Managing Editor of "Journal of Information System and Information Technology 2018
- Served as a Managing Editor of "Journal of Management" for the years - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. This is a scholarly peer-reviewed publication of the Faculty of Management and Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
Served as a Member of the Editorial Board for the following works
- Writings of S.M. Kamaldeen: a Bibliography / Compiled by M.B.M. Fairooz. - Oluvil: South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 2001.- p. xviii, 61; 20cm.- (Islam & Muslims in Sri Lanka :Bibliographical Series No. 01)
- Souvenir to Mark the Occasion of the Handing over of the Private Library of Late Prof. M.M. Uwise to South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- A Bibliography of the Literary Works of Pulavarmani A.M. Sherifudeen & Jinnah Sherifudeen.
Compiler of Bibliography
- The collected writings of Dr. A.M. Aboobucker: A bibliography of the published and unpublished works /Compiled by M.M. Rifaudeen. - Oluvil: South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 2007.- p. xviii, 88; 20cm.- (Islam & Muslims in Sri Lanka : Bibliographical Series No. 02)
Editing of Books
- The collected writings of Dr. A.M. Aboobucker: A bibliography of the published and unpublished works /Compiled by M.M. Rifaudeen. – Oluvil: South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 2007.- p. xviii, 88; 20cm
- Ed Rifaudeen, M.M 2013. Ilakkiya Ponga : Kavithai , Ilakkiya Katturaikal, Ilankaichchuttuppayanam/ written by Muhiaheen, U.M. - Sammanthurai : Islamic Youth Welfare Association.- p. xi, 203; 22cm
- Rifaudeen M.M 2005. Inter library loan (ILL) services among the SLSTINET members: a critical evaluation in terms of members' satisfaction, of ILL processing patterns and delivery speed. Journal of the University Librarians' Association of Sri Lanka, 8: 42-52.
- Rifaudeen M.M 2006. Does the "Sri Lanka Scientific Technical Information Network" (SLSTINET) Stands to Serve the Expectations of its Network Members: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Management, 4: 35-49.
- "Information Management in Libraries and Its Impact on Sustainable Library and Information Services with Special Reference to University Libraries of Sri Lanka" in the "International Seminar on Sustainability of Library and Information Services" held on January 30-31, 2015 organized by the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India 21p.
- "Implementation of KOHA Integrated Library Management System in a Multilingual Environment of the South-Eastern University of Sri Lanka" in the 3rd Annual Research Conference - 2014 held December 01, 2014 organized jointly by the Faculty of Management and Commerce at the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka 166-174 p.
- "Digital libraries in Sri Lanka: a special reference to digital collection of Folk Songs of the Eastern People of Sri Lanka" held July 23-31, 2012 presented at 3rd European Summer School in Digital Humanities "Culture & Technology" at the University of Leipzig, Germany
- "The Problems of Resource Sharing in Sri-Lanka: the case among Scientific and Technical Libraries" in International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICIKM-2008)" held March 27-29, 2008 organized jointly by the HealthNet Nepal & Tribhuvan University, 393-400 p.
- Department of State, USA fellowship for the "International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on American Libraries" - 2010.
- Volkswagen Foundation and University of Leipzig, Germany fellowship to 3rd European Summer School in Digital Humanities "Culture & Technology" - 2012.
- Fellowship of India - Sri Lanka Foundation to participate the course on "Information Technology for Information Management" - 2007
- Associate Member of the "Charted Institute of Library & Information Professionals - cilip"
- Member of American Library Association
- Associate Member of the "Sri-Lanka Library Association" (ALA (Sr) - and designated as a Chartered Librarian.
- Member of the University Librarians' Association of Sri Lanka.
Conducted - Workshop:
Participated - Conference:
Participated - Workshop:
- Conducted a National Training Workshop on Library Automation using KOHA (Windows Version) Integrated Library System , from September 30 to October 1 - 4 2013 with the financial support of "Books for Asia Programme of the Asia Foundation".
- Conducted a National Training Workshop on Library Automation using KOHA (Linux Version) Integrated Library System , from November 25 to 28 2013 with the financial support of "Books for Asia Programme of the Asia Foundation".
- Organize a seminar on "Importance of Information Literacy and E-Journals Packages in Implementing Students Centered Teaching & Research on 13th November 2014
Participated - Conference:
- "International Seminar on Sustainability of Library and Information Services" held on January 30-31, 2015 organized by the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
- "Digital libraries in Sri Lanka: a special reference to digital collection of Folk Songs of the Eastern People of Sri Lanka" held July 23-31, 2012 presented at 3rd European Summer School in Digital Humanities "Culture & Technology" at the University of Leipzig, Germany
- "The Problems of Resource Sharing in Sri-Lanka: the case among Scientific and Technical Libraries" in International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICIKM-2008) held March 27-29, 2008 organized jointly by the HealthNet Nepal & Tribhuvan University, 393-400 p.
Participated - Workshop:
- Successfully completed 02 day Workshop on "South Asia Regional Negotiation Skills for Librarians Workshop" held on 23-24 March, 2015 conducted by the INASP, UK held in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Participated in 3rd European Summer School in Digital Humanities "Culture & Technology" held at the University of Leipzig, Germany during 23 - 31 July, 2012. The intensive programme consists of workshops, daily public lectures, project presentations, poster sessions and two round tables; on a fellowship granted by the Volkswagen Foundation and University of Leipzig, Germany
- I have won a scholarship as an IVLP fellow for the "International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on American Libraries". As an international visitor I was invited to the United States under the auspices of the Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program, visited USA during June 21 to July 9, 2010. This study tour on American Libraries provided me the first hands practical experience to learn more on American Libraries in the context of modern system of library services by visiting variety of Libraries and interacting with many Librarians working in different types of Libraries.
- Participated in the Workshop on "Supporting and Sustaining Your American Corners" at US Embassy in Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal, during June 8 to June 10, 2010. This workshop has given me opportunity in the hands-on-training practical experience to organize and market the Resources, Services, activities and program in the Libraries by using the skill of the Social Networking Media.
- Participated in 06 Day International Workshop on Greenstone Digital Library Software organized jointly by the FDP Centre, IIMK, India, UNESCO and TIFP (DSIR), India during November 27 to December 02, 2006
- Librarian shall, subject to the direction and control of the Vice-Chancellor, be responsible for the administration of the library or libraries of the University
- Planning and implementing the Library and Information Services and Managing the manpower, material and financial resources.
- Planning and implementing the Library services with the staff deployment.
- Managing the manpower, material and financial resources.
- Digital Library Development and maintenance
- Preparing Policy and Procedure Manual for the Library function and activities