Journal of Social Review (JSR) - International Research Journal is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, and refereed publication issued biannually by the Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Culture, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. JSR publishes original, peer-reviewed research articles focusing on key issues in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Since its inception in 2013, JSR has contributed to the advancement of society through multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research. The journal provides open access, ensuring that your research is immediately visible and accessible upon publication. The online version is freely available for access and download, and submissions are accepted exclusively via email.
The aim of the Journal of Social Review (JSR) - International Research Journal is to encourage multifaceted, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary research in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities. Furthermore, the journal is committed to fostering scholarly exchange among educators and researchers within these disciplines.
The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of fields, including but not limited to: Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Counselling, History, Education, Political Science, Peace Studies, Sociology and Anthropology, Geography and Geo-informatics, Language and Applied Linguistics and Information Technology.
All manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process to assess their scientific significance and academic excellence. Submissions are initially reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief. If deemed suitable, the manuscript is forwarded to peer reviewers, whose identities remain confidential to the author(s).
If the paper is conditionally accepted, the author(s) will be required to make the changes suggested by the reviewers. The revised manuscript will then be reviewed by the Editor-in Chief to ensure that the necessary amendments have been satisfactorily addressed. Upon approval, the Board of Editors will make the final decision, and the accepted paper will be published.
The Journal of Social Review (JSR) - International Research Journal is published biannually by the Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Culture, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Submissions are accepted from January to March for Volume 1 and from July to September for Volume 2. The review process typically takes two to three months.
The Editor-in-Chief evaluates the merits of the submitted papers before forwarding them to peer reviewers. Only manuscripts that meet high academic and scholarly standards will be considered for publication.