The first Knowledge, Experience and Skills Sharing (KESS) Session for the year 2017, organized by the Staff Development Centre of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka was held on 28.08.2017 at SDC Auditorium. The KESS session was introduced to share gained knowledge, experience and skills with peers and other staff members.
This 1st session was conducted in the title of "E-Safety" by Mr. S.L. Abdul Haleem, Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of ICT, Faculty of Technology, SEUSL for Technical, Clerical & Allied Grade Staff of upgrade their knowledge and skills to perform their professional works effectively and aware the current trend of the ICT world.
Around 45 staff participated in this session and lecture was delivered the following topics.
1. Electronic content safety
2. E-mail safety
3. Social media safety

SDC conducted an Awareness Programme on "Real Taxation Procedure in Sri Lanka (PAYE Tax)" for Academic, Academic Supportive and Administrative Staff Members of SEUSL on 07.01.2016 at FIA Auditorium, SEUSL, Oluvil
coordinated by the Dr. M.I.M. Jazeel, Director, SDC, SEUSL
Prof. M.M.M. Najim, Vice Chancellor grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Resource Persons;
Mr. M. Ganesharajah, Commissioner, Dept. of Inland Revenue, Regional Office Batticaloa
Mr. M.C.M. Anver, Asst. Commissioner, Dept. of Inland Revenue, Regional Office, Batticaloa
Mr. S. Vasitharan, Asst. Commissioner, Dept. of Inland Revenue, Regional Office, Batticaloa

SDC conducted a two day Induction Programme (Phase III) for newly recruited Primary Level Staff of SEUSL on 09th & 10th of January, 2016 at SDC Auditorium

Staff Development Centre of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka in collaboration with the General Administration organized a one day Workshop for Drivers on 29.12.2015 at SDC Auditorium, SEUSL, Oluvil
The session will include the followings;
- Defensive driving skills
- Road rules and regulations in Sri Lanka
- Vehicle control, safety features and vehicle handling
- Discipline and Economic driving
- Vehicle familiarization and its regular maintenance
- First Aid Training and coping with urgent situation
- Tiredness and fatigue management

Information Technology Training Programmes - 2014
Organized by the Staff Development Centre, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka in collaboration with Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka
- Computer Hardware Engineering & Network Systems
- Web Designing and Development
- Training Program on Graphic Designing
Computer Hardware Engineering & Network Systems

Web Designing and Development

Training Program on Graphic Designing

Induction Programme (Staff Development Programme) for Academic Staff who are awaiting confirmation
Staff Development Centre of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka has been conducting the Induction Programme for Academic Staff who are awaiting confirmation with the financial support by the HETC Project.
The Induction Programme is conducted for the first time in the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. This programme is compulsary for all academic recruits to obtain confirmation.
Standing Committee on Staff Development of University Grants Commission decided to bring all the Induction Program under one umbrella and prepared common training manuals. So that uniformity is maintained by all the universities.
We have invited such people who prepared so called training manuals as resource persons for this program.
They are Prof. H. Abeygunawardena, Chairperson to the Standing Committee on Staff Development, Prof. Deepthi C. Bandara, Former Director to the Staff Development Centre, University of Peradeniya, Dr. Gominda Ponnamperuma, Consultant, Short Term Training, HETC Project, Dr. B.M.K. Perera, Director, Career Guidance Unit, University of Peradeniya and Dr. Wijeya Jeyatilake from University of Peradeniya
This program was inaugurated on 08th of April, 2014 by our Vice Chancellor Dr. S.M. Mohamed Ismail.
Training Programme for ICT Teachers
Training Programme for ICT Government Teachers and Officers serving in Northern and Eastern Provinces on Computer hardware and Network System sponsored by the Staff Development Centre of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka in collaboration with the Ministry of Education has now been commenced and going on at the Auditorium of the SDC in the Oluvil Campus on Monday. The training programme for the first badge of Teachers and Officers was commenced presided over by the Director of the SDC Dr.S.M.Ahamed Lebbe. Here, the Vice-Chancellor of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka Dr. SM Mohamed Ismail delivering the inaugural address. The other picture shows the first badge of Staff participated in the programme. Altogether 100 Government Teachers and Officers are scheduled to participate in this programme which will go on till 27th April, 2014.
Training Camp on "Basic Security Duties, Weapon Handling and Live Firing" for Security Officers of SEUSL held from 13th to 18th January 2014 at Serupita Training Camp of Civil Security Department organized by the Staff Development Centre in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Security Officer of SEUSL

Heath Educational Program on "How to cut down unnecessary medical bills by practicing healthy lifestyle"
Resource Person: Dr. A.M.M. Riyaz, MBBS (SL), MSc, MD (Medi Admin) Consultant, National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo
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