Level 01
Semester I
LGM 11013 - Advanced Arabic LanguageLLM 11023 - Arabic Morphology
LTM 11023 - Translation Studies
Semester II
LGM 12033 - Professional Arabic LanguageLLM 12043 - Arabic Syntax
LTM 12043 - Introduction to Linguistics
Level 02
Semester I
LGM 21053 - LLM 21063, LTM 21073 - Arabic Literature in Pre-Islamic PeriodLGM 21083 - LLM21093, LTM21103 - Phonetics
LLM 21113 - Quranic Sciences
LTM 21123 - Arabic Dialects
Semester II
LGM 22133 - LLM 22143, LTM 22153 - Arabic Literature of Early Islamic and Umayyad periodLGM 22163 - LLM 22173, LTM 22183 - Literary Translation of Holy Quran
LLM 22193 - Hadith Sciences
LTM 22203 - Brief History of Translation (Arabic, English and Tamil)
Level 03
Semester I
LGM 31213 - LLM 31223 - LTM 31233 - Arabic Literature of the Abbasid EraLGM 31243 - LLM 31253 - LTM 31263 - Selected text in AlHadeeth
LLM 31273 - LTM 31283 - Counselling Skills in Islamic View
Semester II
LGM 32293 - LLM 32303 - LTM 32313 - Principles of Teaching Arabic as a Second LanguageLGM 32323 - LLM 32333 - LTM 32343 - Comparative Literature
LLM 32353 - LTM 32363 - Studies of Comparative Religion
Language And Literature
Level 04
Semester I
LLM 41373 - Rhetorical ScienceLLM 41393 - Arabic Literature in Modern Period
LLM 41403 - Arabic Literature in Andale's, States and Kingdoms Period
LLM 41413 - Literary View of Islamic Philosophy
Semester II
LLM 42433 - Comparative GrammarLLM 42443 - Language inimitability of the Quran
LLM 42453 - Arabic Literary Criticism
Linguistics and Translation Subjects
Level 04
Semester I
LTM 41483 - The Science of ConnotationLTM 41493 - Practical Translation in Islamic Finance
LTM 41503 - Journalism and Translation
LTM 41513 - State of Arabic Language in Sri Lanka
Semester II
LTM 42533 - Practical Translation in Islamic PoliticalLTM 42543 - Comparative Linguistics
LTM 42553 - Translation of Official, Administrative and Legal Documents
Accountancy & Finance
AFM 11013 - Basic Accounting
AFM 12023 - Intermediate Accounting
AFM 21033 - Financial Management
AFM 22043 - Cost and Management Accounting
AFM 31053 - Public Accounting and Finance
AFM 32063 - Computer Application for Accounting
ECM 11013 - Principles of Micro Economics
ECM 12023 - Principles of Macro Economics
ECM 21033 - Intermediate Micro Economics
ECM 22043 - Intermediate Macro Economics
ECM 31053 - Applied Economics
ECM 32063 - Social Economic Development
EDM 11013 - Basics of Education
EDM 12023 - Educational Psychology
EDM 21033 - Teaching and Learning Strategies
EDM 22043 - Educational Measurement and Evaluation
EDM 31053 - Educational Technology
EDM 32063 - Educational Management and Curriculum Development
ELM 11013 - Effective Oral Communication
ELM 12023 - Advanced Reading and writing
ELM 21033 - Language Structure and Applied Linguistics
ELM 22043 - Introduction to Literature
ELM 31053 - Poetry, Fiction and Drama
ELM 32063 - English Language Teaching Methodology
Political Science
PSM 11013 - Contemporary Political Issues
PSM 12023 - Introduction to International Relations
PSM 21033 - State and Transformation in the Middle East
PSM 22043 - Public Administration and Bureaucracy
PSM 31053 - Public Administration in Sri Lanka
PSM 32063 - Democracy and Human Rights
SOM 11013 - Understanding of Society: Process & Structure
SOM 12023 - Education in Sociological Aspects
SOM 21033 - Environmental Studies
SOM 22043 - Globalization and Social Justice
SOM 31053 - Gender and Society
SOM 32063 - Development in Sociological perspective
TLM 11013 - Tamil Language & Writing Skills
TLM 12023 - Study of Tamil Literature
TLM 21033 - Journalism
TLM 22043 - Sri Lankan Tamil Literature
TLM 31053 - Islamic Tamil Literature
TLM 32063 - Feminine Literature in Tamil
The English courses are offered by Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) under the purview of Faculty of Arts and Culture.
Information Technology
Level – 01
ITC 11012 - Introduction to Information Technology
ITC 12012 - Document Preparation System
Level – 02
ITC 21012 - Spreadsheet and Presentation
ITC 22012 - Communication and Web Development
Level – 03
ITC 31012 - Graphical Design Applications
ITC 32012 - Database Applications
Level – 01
PHE 11012 - Critical Thinking and Scientific Method
GSE 11012 - General Science
PME 12022 - Principles of Management
BME 12022 - Basic Mathematics
Level – 02
HRE 21032 - Human Resource Management
HIE 21032 - History of Modern Sri Lanka (From 1500 to 1948 AD)
THE 22042 - Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
BSE 22042 - Basic Sinhala
Level – 03
SOE 31052 - Social Problems and Society
EPE 31052 - Educational Psychology
RME 32062 - Research Methodology
CJE 32062 - Islamic Criminal Justice
Level – 01
SHA 11012 - Peace & Social Harmony
LPA 11010 - Basic Arabic (Elementary)
ARA 11010 - Basic Arabic
LPA 12020 - Introduction to Arabic Language & Literature (Pre-Intermediate)
ARA 12020 - Intermediate Arabic
Level – 02
SDA 21022 - Statistical Data Analysis for Research
LPA 21030 - Functional Grammar (Intermediate)
ARA 21032 - Arabic for Banking & Finance
EBA 22012 - Business Communication
Level – 03
CDA 31032 - Career Development