
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to All manuscripts should be attached in a single Microsoft Word file.

Types of Articles:

Two types of manuscripts may be submitted:
1. Regular Articles
2. Book Reviews

Review and Publication Process:

Paper is sent to 2 reviewers for reviewing (double blind). The reviewers’ recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted / accepted subject change / subject to resubmission with significant changes / rejected. For Papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.


Manuscripts must be set out in the following order – Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text under sub-headings including Figure Captions, Figures, and then Tables, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Appendix, and References. Manuscripts can be in, Sinhala, Tamil and English.

Title Page

  • Title of the article (14 font size)
  • Full name(s) of the author(s) (12 font size)
  • The affiliation(s) including department, institution, and country (10 font size)
  • Active e-mail address of the corresponding author (10 font size)
  • Abstract (10 font size)
  • Key words (10 font size)


  • Abstract should be in single paragraph with 150 to 250 words without any citation.
  • It should be appeared in 10 font size and single line space.
  • It should cover the problem, objective, methods, and finding of the study briefly.

    Key words

    Please give 4 or 5 key words in alphabetic order by using italic format. (avoid words like ‘and’ & ‘of’).

    Word Limits

    A manuscript should be around 4000 to 5000 words and not exceed 6000 words including references and endnotes.

    Text formatting

    The full research article/ manuscript should consist of the major elements, namely: Introduction/ background, problem statement, objective(s), literature survey, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion and references.


  • Sinhala in FMAbhaya font
  • Tamil in Akarathi font
  • English in Times New Roman font
  • All subtopics should be bold and in 12 font size.
  • All text in 11 font size.
  • Line space – 1.5


    APA 7th edition should be used to reference. All references should be ordered in alphabetically.


    Submitted manuscripts should be original work of author / authors. The manuscripts that have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere will not be considered. The Editorial Board adopts strict rules to prevent plagiarism.


    Dr. M. Mohamed Firose
    Chief Editor

    Journal of Social Review
    Department of Social Sciences
    Faculty of Arts and Culture
    South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
    University Park, Oluvil #32360 Sri Lanka.
    Mobile 0770414305