Office of the Dean

Mr. MT. Azhar
Senior Assistant RegistrarFaculty of Arts and Culture - Office of the Dean

Mr. AGM. Jakeypher
Staff Management AssistantFaculty of Arts and Culture - Office of the Dean

Mr. AW. Ismalth Jameel
Technical Officer Gr-IIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Office of the Dean

Mrs. R. Fahmidha Farwin
Management Assistant Gr-IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Office of the Dean

Mr. K.L. Ibrahim
Labourer Gr.IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Office of the Dean

Mr. I. Nafeel
Works Aid (SG)Faculty of Arts and Culture - Office of the Dean
Department of Social Sciences

Mr. M.A.C.M. Junaideen
Staff Management AssistantFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Social Sciences

Mr. M.M. Mohamed Zaki
Works Aide Gr.IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Social Sciecnces
Department of Languages

Mrs. Rajamany P.
Management Assistant Gr. IFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Languages

Mr. Sitheek
Health Service Labourer Gr. IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Languges
Department of Geography

Mr. Y. Mubarak
Staff Management AssistantFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Geography

Mr. K.L.M. Zabry
Works Aide Gr.III- Department of Geography
Department of Political Science

Ms. A. Lemala
Management Assistant Gr.IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Political Sciences

Mr. A.A. Mohamed Suhail
Works Aide Gr.IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Social Science
Department of Economis and Statistics

Mr. S.A. Abdul Rahman
Works Aide Gr.IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Economis and Statistics
Department of English Language Teaching

Mrs. A. Rizmina
Stenographer Gr. IIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of English Languge Teaching

Mr. Hyther Ali
Works Aide Gr. IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of English Languge Teaching
Department of Sociology

Mr. M.A. Mohamed Atheel
Management Assistant Gr. IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Sociology

Mr. A.A.M. Basith
Woks Aide Gr.IIIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Sociology
Department of Information Technology

Mrs. Muzammila A K
Management Assistant Gr.IIFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Information Technology

Mr. MY. Ameer
Laboratory Attendant (HG)Faculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Information Technology

Mr. MJM. Rajudeen
Technical OfficerFaculty of Arts and Culture - Department of Information Technology