Welcome to the Department of Economics and Statistics
About the Department of Economics and Statistics
The Department of Economics and Statistics was established in 2016 by the government Gazette Extraordinary No.1964/11 of 26th April 2016. It contained an amendment to the order of the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka and established a New Department of Economics and Statistics at the Faculty of Arts and Culture.
The Vision of the department is to be a center of excellence for the creation and dissemination of knowledge in economics and statistics and the Mission is The Department of Economics and Statistics is to train students at the undergraduate level in the methods, ideas of economics, and statistics, and to conduct both basic and applied research in economics and statistics that pushes forward the frontier of knowledge in the field for their further study and employment opportunity in the dynamic world.
The Department of Economics and Statistics is presently offering Economics and Statistics for General Degree Students and BA in Economics for special degree students. Moreover, many courses which are offered by the department are formulated to find the solutions to the regional, national, and international economic issues with theoretical knowledge and empirical applications.
The programs introduce students to the intellectual capacity, theoretical ideas, and empirical skills that are necessary for conducting advanced research, teaching, and working on issues in the present world. Further, each Special degree student gets the opportunity to do independent research and write a dissertation, and the general subject students, expand and widen their understanding of Economics and Statistics. Especially, every year our students get internship opportunities at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Also, many job opportunities were opened for the students who had a special degree in Economics and they were employed in many government or non-government organizations. The Department has also introduced interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary courses in Basic Mathematics and Statistics.
In the future, the Economics and Statistics Degree program will start at the inception of the Faculty of Arts and Culture, to be commenced Bachelor of Arts Honors in Tourism and Hospitality. The Department has also introduced a new course of studies and interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary subjects to expand the scope of the discipline.
The Graduate Profilefor Economics and Statistics
Scholarly, knowledgeable, and professional
Competent in analyzing the development and a wide range of human behaviors: Improving the knowledge in Economics and Statistics leads to enhancing knowledge in understanding the functions of key actors in an economic system such as the household, business, and government.
Use conceptual and theoretical elements and frameworks in explaining the functioning of the economy: An important ability of the graduates is to realize the conceptual frameworks, theories, and models in the field of economics and be able to provide useful insights into the operations of an economy.
Understand and appraise the significance of contemporary economic issues: Understanding any economic issues, crises, and challenges currently faced by any economy is one of the instrumental scholarly contributions attributable to those who graduate in the field of economics.
Evaluate and assess social efficiency: As social members, graduates will be able to understand the goal of achieving social efficiency that is affected by the routine economic activities such as consumption and production and their positive and negative externalities and can respond effectively to such changes.
Competent in the Employment Market
Ability to compete for employment opportunities in related economic institutions: Realizing that the business entities are endowed with career opportunities for graduates in economic studies, demonstrate capability, and effectively compete for jobs locally and globally using the knowledge and skills acquired in the study program.
Endowed with skills that would enhance career prospects in research-related fields: The skills being developed and improved through training in Economics and Statistics enhance the opportunities for employment in research-oriented careers. Analytical skills developed through the courses in Mathematics and Statistics would provide confidence in undertaking independent research.
Collaborative skills and coordination ability for employment: Learning regional and international economics will pave the way for creating opportunities for graduates in economics and statistics to pursue career opportunities in the international arena. The skills and the knowledge in international cooperation, collaboration, and coordination would help connect the domestic economy with international economies and markets.
Creative and innovative: The prime return gained from the program would be entrepreneurship and creative skills, which the program seeks to achieve through different practical courses. Businesses and investors seeking graduates with innovative and creative minds will benefit from this program.
Competitive in policy planning and implementation-related career opportunities: The policy planning and implementation need people capable of efficient uses of economic resources through the strategic planning process. Graduates in Economics and Statistics have an advantage in the fields of project appraisal, policy making, and policy implementation. In addition, they can contribute to policymaking with their spatial analytical skills. These graduates can contribute the knowledge and skills essential to assist the policymakers in identifying the fundamental and the central economic problems typically faced by any society in the process of allocating scarce economic resources.
Socially and environmentally responsive: Responsive to environmental challenges: Graduates in economics and statistics can be responsive to the environmental challenges faced by society. The course on environmental economics and inter-disciplinary courses will guide the graduates in maintaining the environmental and atmospheric balance while fulfilling human needs and wants.
Socially responsive and relevant: The study program on economics and statistics, while providing specific skills in the field of economics, seeks to also provide a multidisciplinary orientation by incorporating courses from different social science disciplines. This would help graduates to adopt a broader perspective about societal problems and challenges.
Semester I
ECM 11013 - Introductory Microeconomics (G)Semester II
ECM 12013 - Introductory Macroeconomics (G)YEAR 02
Semester I
ECM 21013 - Intermediate Microeconomics (G & S)ECM 21023 - Economic Thoughts
ECM 21033 - Mathematics for Economics – I
ECM 21043 - Statistics - I
Semester II
ECM 22013 - Intermediate Macroeconomics (G & S)ECM 22023 - Banking and Finance
ECM 22033 - Mathematics for Economics -II
ECM 22043 - Statistics – II
Semester I
ECM 31013 - Economy of Sri Lanka (G & S)ECM 31023 - Advanced Microeconomics
ECI 31013 - Environmental Economics ECM 31033 - Econometrics - 1
INT 31013 - Internship
Semester II
ECM 32013 - International Economics (G & S)ECM 32023 - Advanced Macroeconomics
ECM 32033 - Econometrics – II
ECM 32043 - Research Methods in Economics
Semester I
ECM 41013 - Economics Policies and DevelopmentECM 41023 - Econometrics - II
ECM 41033 - Economics of Tourism
ECM 41043 - Knowledge Economics
Semester II
ECM 42013 - Global Economic IssuesECM 42023 - Energy Economics
ECM 42036 - Dissertation